
Obama speaks, America has to learn Korean education

Obama speaks, America has to learn Korean education

Among the sayings of American President Barack Obama,
we find 'Let's learn Korean education'.
Even before a week, he mentioned the greatness of
Korean education, and poured rebukes, that "Why America cannot do like that".
The strengthening point by
Obama is a Internet application education of Korean students.
He explained, "In Korea, 100% of students can connect to broadband internet,
but in America it reaches only 20% by the ratio. And the behind educational
facilities than Korea could be the reasons".

▲ Barack Obama, the 44th President of America

▲ Arne Duncan, the 9th Minister of Education of America

Arne Duncan, the Minister of Education also mentioned the problems and their
corresponding improving solutions of America in a parent's ceremony,
and pointed Korea as a representative model country to learn.
Arne Duncan, the Minister of Education of America reported, that "The people of
Korea and America think the ability of teacher is an important matter, but the
difference lies just in saying in America, but doing in Korea. The most newly
employed teachers in America are recruited with the students,
who recorded less than 1/3 of lower group in university,
but in Korea are recruited from the 5% of the upper group of high school".

Concerning to this, Washington Post reported, "Last several years, Arne Duncan,
the 9th Minister of Education of America was very nervous, that America cannot
meet the boundary of Korean condition".
Practically, America was proud of the highest ratio of university graduates before
30 years, but now it has been dropped to the 12th. and Korea gets the 1st position
in the ratio of university graduates referentially.

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