
The boomed parallel marking of 「East Sea」 in USA

The boomed parallel marking of 「East Sea」 in USA

By now, 70% of the world map has been marked this sea name as 「Sea of Japan」.
However, the sea is 「Sea of Japan」, and it is also a 「East Sea」,
because it locates in the east of Korea.
The Korean people of course call the sea as 「East Sea」.

▲ browsed 「East Sea」 in Google.
By the way it informs the name as 「Sea of Japan」.
Only we can find a notice of 'also known as the East Sea' under.

▲ In map we find only the marking of 「Sea of Japan」 without 「East Sea」.

▲ In 2012, the French official map has the
parallel marking of 「Sea of Japan」and 「East Sea」.

And before a week, in Feb. 2014, it has been confirmed the parallel marking of
「Sea of Japan」 and 「East Sea」 in the textbook of Virginia, USA from now on.
After Virginia, New York State and New Jersey State have been proposed the bill
of parallel marking of 「Sea of Japan」 and 「East Sea」 yesterday.

It is natural. Why the sea between Korea and Japan is the sea of Japan only?
It of course is a joint sea.
This naturalness, why Japan do not try to nod through?
By week ago, Japan had been lobbied against the parallel marking of 「Sea of Japan」 and 「East Sea」 in the textbook of Virginia through law firm and
the Virginia governor, and even Japan threatens the governor with the whole
evacuation of Japanese enterprises from Virginia in case of parallel marking.
But Japanese lobby and threat could not overcome the moral common sense.

What Korea hopes is not excessive.
Korea land belongs to Korea, and Japanese land belongs to Japan.
The sea between Korea and Japan is the joint sea, not the sea of Japan only.
And this common-sensed truth is getting the approvals worldwide.
The Google map also must provide the parallel marking of 「Sea of Japan」 and
「East Sea」 evidently, not the simple notice of 'also known as the East Sea'.
This is an evident error of marking by Google.

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