
Willy Yao(姚伟涛), the K-pop star, dropped out, and then what will be Brodie?

Willy Yao(姚伟涛), the K-pop star, dropped out, and then what will be Brodie?

Korean program, K -pop star like American Idol,
and the season 3 is on the way after finishing last season 1 & 2
The winners of season 1 & 2 ate currently very active in record,
entertainment and numerous TV CF.
Really the winner can be a K pop star.

K-pop star 3 is composed of 20 series totally.
By now it has been broadcasted the 13th. series.
But regretfully at the broadcasting Willy Yao(姚伟涛) from China has been failed.
Though publication right and formats of K pop star program are exported to China
as it is, and progressed in a program called C pop star in China, but it's very
regretfully Willy Yao (姚伟涛) could not pass the final Top 10.

Han, Hui-Jun, who won a prize of American Idol, also got rave reviews
in broadcasting. His possibility to pass final Top 10 shall be decided after the
stage of girl vocalist Brodie, who attracts most big popularity and attention
in K pop star 3. And moreover we find a lot of spoilers on the internet
in current, that Brodie has been broke Han, Hui-Jun and launched final Top 10.
However, why knows? The result shall be determined on next Sunday.

Failing of Willy Yao(姚伟涛)
from China & challenging of Han, Hui-Jun of American Idol
Indeed, Brodie could beat Han, Hui-Jun of American Idol? Let's check
on next Sunday on 23rd. Feb.

If your watching is not good enough,
then you could watch it through the channel,
provide by NAVER.com, the best portal site of Korea.


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