
Full Korea, which is often visited from the U.S. and France

Full Korea, which is often visited from the U.S. and France

The following is the visiting record of Full Korea from the past week.
It shows that people in the U.S. and France visit our blog the most often.

Full Korea blog intends on spreading the current affairs of Korea
correctly to overseas countries.
Korea is seen as a very poor, difficult, and a country at the risk of a war.
It is certain that these problems must be fixed.

Korea has a small land, but uses the fastest internet in the world,
and the most advanced smartphones.
It is the only country where people use credit cards for all public transportations.
It is a country with strong global brands such as Samsung, Hyundai, and LG.

Korea is has 10th highest national competitiveness, and is a country
that achieved the most and best economic performances in the shortest time.
It is safer, has better medical services, 
and has fewer gaps between the rich and poor than in the U.S.
It has more strengths than weaknesses, which is only one of the few in the world.

We would like to show the good sides of Korea to the world.
We want to inform the problems and issues of Korea of the world.
This is why Full Korea exists.

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