
Full Korea’s 2015

Full Korea’s 2015

FullKorea.com (www.fullkorea.com) was established in January 2010.
It will have its 6th year opening anniversary a few days later in 2015.
It has posted a total of 600 writings published around 260 posts so far.

45% of the entire visitors to Full Korea are Americans, 20% Koreans,
18% French, and 10% Ukrainians, followed by Germans, Chinese, and Canadians. ,

There were many incidents in 2014.
In 2015, FullKorea.com promises to deliver better and cooler stories of
Korea in the world in a fun way to its readers without stopping.
Happy New Year Everyone!!!!!

ps : Thank you oakleyses for putting 400 malicious comments,
but we will register you as a scam.
oakleyses started using the blog service in May 2013, and
you seem to have been using the blog a bit more than a year.
But 7,188 people viewed your profile.
Assuming that you have written bad comments
on many posts, we will register you as a scam.


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