
Avengers 2, Out in Theaters in 7 days

Avengers 2, Out in Theaters in 7 days

The release date of Avengers 2 is only a week away.
The official name of this movie is “The Avengers: Age of Ultron.”

Like the previous Avengers, it was produced by
Director Joss Whedno, and stars Chris Hemsworth for Thor.
Scarlett Johansson appears for a female character.

Seoul, the capital city of Korea, is the background of Avengers 2.
Last year, the filming site of Avengers 2 had have traffic control
In accordance with the policy of Seoul.
Many Seoulites cooperated for this.
Also, actress Soo-hyun Kim who plays the role of Dr. Joe is Korean.

Korea has a huge movie industry. Korea is within top 3 for the sales of
most Hollywood movies such as Interstellar, Avengers, and Iron Man.
It seems that Avengers 2 also tried hard for the Korean market.

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