
The front-runner of K pop star 3 is condensed

The front-runner of K pop star 3 is condensed

The third season of K pop star, Korean audition program season!!
The 3 domestic major record agencies, YG, Antenna Music & JYP, casted participants
through broadcasting last week. Now sombody wins, then every record agency will
train the winner in earnest and he/she will be legally debuted.
Really every musician, who debuted through K pop star season I & II,
has been swept Korean music charts and conquered various TVCF.
Therefore, the participants of K pop star are always thirsty to championship.

Last week, the aces of 3 record agencies made a opportunity of trial examination.
Every agency challenged with its aced participant.
The aces are just ZZaRi-MonTang of YG, Hong,
Jung-Hee of Antenna, Bernard Park of JYP.

YG casted ZZaRi-MonTang is a 3 membered female group,
comprised of friends in a same class of a Arts High School.
As they are learning music professionally, their developed harmony is especially
characterized with their highly concentrated efforts and professionalism.
Hong, Jung-Hee of Antenna Music is a richly emotional female vocalist,
and Bernard Park of JYP is a born middle
low-voiced male vocalist in soul & R&B with a smoothed vibration.

As they are the typical aces of every record agency,
the winner could be appeared among them.
And Bernard Park of JYP won at the trial examination with 'Lately' of Stevie Wonder.
YES, Bernard Park, he could be a winner of K pop star 3 eventually?

Broadcasting of 'Lately' by Bernard Park: http://tvcast.naver.com/v/119608

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