
Whose SEA? 'sea of Japan'?, Of course 'East Sea'!!

Whose SEA? 'sea of Japan'?, Of course 'East Sea'!!

On the 19th. Dec. 2013, Japanese Embassy in USA has been lobbied the large law
firm 「McGuireWoods Consulting」in Washington with US$75 thousand.
The lobbying goal was the solely using of sea name between Korea and Japan.
And it was turned out to be true, that especially the
focused target of lobbying was Terry McAuliffe, the governor of Virginia.
If the bill passes through Congress, then the governor shall do exercise of veto.

▲ McGUIREWOODS CONSULTING: http://www.mwcllc.com

▲ Terry McAuliffe, the governor of Virginia

However, the lobby was revealed in Jan. 2014, and it was 18 votes for YES &
3 votes for NO in a decision of the bill about the parallel marking
in the textbook of Virginia released on the
5th Feb. 2014, and consequently Japanese lobbying failed.
Japan was greedy for the naming the sea name as 'sea of Japan', Korea has been
called the sea name as 'East Sea' since the beginning of history as ever.
It means a sea located in the east of Korea.
In short, the sea does not belong to Japan. As the sea is positioned between
boundaries of Japan and Korea, it must be a joint ownership of Korea and Japan.
The fair fact was not distorted notwithstanding the
lobbying of Japanese Embassy in USA.
Terry McAuliffe, the governor of Virginia, also neglected the lobbying of Japan,
and accepted the fact and approved the parallel marking of 'sea of Japan'
and 'East Sea' without exercising of veto.
This also is a natural result.

You can guess why Japan drived this coward lobbying?
Japan is an island country. Historically,
Japan always has been greedy for the extension of the country.
By reflecting history, Japan colonized Korea since 1910.
Korea, but fortunately, became independent in 1945.
Just after independence, Korean economy was very poor.
It's said, that it was ranked to the 150th.
in a global economy at that independent time.
However, the Korean current balance in 2013 has been overcomed the one of Japan.
For example, it might be the case between Sony and Samsung.
Sony recorded a net loss of US$1.1 billion,
while Samsung recorded a net surplus of US$1.2 billion as a global enterprise.
Korean economy, nowadays, is ranked to the 10th in a global economy.
Korea now is not the Korea, that Japan experienced 70 years before.
And in this time the fact cannot be distorted through lobbying.
Japan should WAKE UP!! Such kind of immoral act to distort the fact through
lobbying cannot absolutely last long.

The lobbied McGuireWoods Consulting for Japan and Terry McAuliffe,
the governor of Virginia, also should do self-reflection.
Japan, tried to lobby, is dirty and, American law firm,
that got lobby funds, is also dirty.
Just remember!! The TRUTH NEVER be DISTORTED!!

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